
Showing posts from January, 2023

Artist Talk with Carol Emmons

 Artist Talk w/ Carol Emmons  On Wednesday, January 25, 2023. I attended an artist talk at the Wriston Auditorium. The artist featured was Carol Emmons, who specializes in large, site-specific installations. She has traveled to the U.S. (Cleveland, Houston, Cincinnati, New York, Santa Ana) and parts of Europe (Germany and the Netherlands) to showcase her exhibits. She was also selected for eight Wisconsin Triennial exhibitions at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art. So, having a very accomplished artist talk about their work and the process of their installations was fascinating.      I really enjoyed the layout of her presentation the most, it allows me to easily follow along with her concept question and helped me get a grasp on what direction she was headed within her own artist's process as well as which of those aspects we can relate to and possibly utilize within our own work. She started the presentation off by stating something that I thought was really profound "yo

Connected to the Madness

Connected to the Madness By: Day's Posts   Description: created on an iPhone, produced in Imovie and Premiere Pro.  Creation Date: January 17, 2023  I wanted my video to relate to McLuhan’s passages about the invasion of technology and its effects on the way we process the world around us, and how it can connect us, and create community and conformity. But, my main focus was on the ways in which those same technologies have created distance from the way we experience life. The ways in which it disconnects us from moments where we want to be fully present, and how it can disrupt our thinking on communication with each other. I used these statements from McLuhan’s text within my video to explain the meaning behind what the viewer is seeing. McLuhan states on page 63, “Because of electric speed, we can no longer wait and see” as well as, “Information pours upon us, instantaneously and continuously… Our electrically-configured world has forced us to move from the habit of data collecti

So... what's my deal? Get to know me

     I'm Daynesia (Day- ne -sha), but I usually use Day because it's more convenient for me. I'm a sophomore studying Studio art and a minor in Ethnic studies. However, my passion is to be a Graphic Designer and to potentially work as a production artist or in advertising/marketing. My world is filled with movie-watching, napping 💤, music listening, introversion (by choice, because  my alone time is so meaningful to me), word crosses , and knitting 🧶. But also one that has had its fair share of hardships, sacrifices, and turmoil. Even though I've had to trudge through my life, it's taught me perseverance and what it means to give your all for something you want. Additionally, it's taught me how to think creatively and the possibility of wonder because even though I'm pessimistic about certain things in life, I also see the bright side. Creative expression and the magical process of art-making have become a significant part of my life, all the ins, and outs